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Joe Barta wrote fantastic tutorials for HTML, javascript and CSS. Here you can find links to them. Learn in the comfort and privacy of your own home. No salesman will visit.

WebTutor v3.2

My name is Joe and I'm going to give you a few simple lessons on how to make a Web Page. I must warn you though, this is for "all wet behinda ears" Newbies. If you're at all experienced at this sort of thing, you'll probably find this tutorial a bit of a yawner.

You'll be happy to learn that it's really pretty simple. The basic idea is this... A web page is nothing more than a file, a HTML file to be exact. It's called HTML because web page documents have the file extension .html or .htm. HTML stands for Hyper Text Mark-up Language. (If you are unclear about this file extension stuff, then you really are newbie!! Take a quick detour for a few ramblings on the subject).

Start here | Download WebTutor 4.4 (2,0 mb)

GateKeeper v3.2

Welcome to GateKeeper v2.3! This tutorial will explain how to place a simple Javascript protection script on your page. It's very easy to install. A few simple bits of code and you're off.

If you are a member of, you are welcome to go to the latest version of GateKeeper for a much nicer and more powerful script. The full GateKeeper tutorial is also available for download.

Start here | Download GateKeeper 3.2 (0,2 mb)

Javascript Tutor v1.0

Hello, my name is Joe and I'm going to teach you a little about Javascript. Before I do though, there are few things we have to get perfectly straight...

Javascript is a BIG subject and this is a basic javascript tutorial. This will not make you a javascript expert by any stretch of the imagination. This will simply introduce you to some basic concepts and a few simple scripts. By the time we're done, you'll have a modest grasp of the basics and you'll be ready to be kicked out of the nest to continue your javascript efforts on your own.

You must also move from start to finish. You can't jump around because each lesson builds on, and draws from, lessons you learned previously.

Know beforehand that this will be HARD WORK. Unless you've done some programming before, you won't just breeze through this tutorial (and HTML ain't programming). Be prepared to stretch your brain and persevere through some confusing and frustrating periods. Just keep plugging away... understanding and skill will come.

And most important, there are many exercises scattered throughout. In order to get ANY use out of this tutorial you MUST do the exercises. Again, if you skip the exercises, you will learn very little and you might as well do something else with your time.

Start here | Download JSTutor 1 (0,5 mb)

CSS-Primer 1

Hello there! My name is Joe and I'm going to teach you a little about CSS. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is simply another method to control the appearance of a web page. Having basic CSS skills in your toolbox is a definite plus.

This Fibel is not an attempt to teach you all the ins and outs of style sheets, it's not going to make you an expert on them at by any means. What it will do is give you enough skill to start using them in your web pages. Once you have a foothold, you can expand your knowledge and skill on your own. You'll find that once you learn how to use style sheets, you'll use them quite often.

The first order of business is to have a good reference. Included with this tutorial is a very good CSS reference from the Web Design Group (my thanks to WDG for making this reference available for re-distribution). You can get to this reference by clicking the CSS Reference link near the bottom of every page in this Fibel. Another excellent reference (if you don't have it already) is the HTML Reference Library which has an excellent Style Sheet section.

The second order of business is to simplify our thinking. You know how the "birds and the bees" has nothing to do with birds, and barely anything to do with bees? Well, for now, regarding Cascading Style Sheets... forget about "Cascading" and forget about "Sheets". "Style" is the only term that is remotely useful to most of us. In the past you may have looked at some of this style sheet stuff and found yourself instantly confused. Well, forget about that. Style sheets is a little dog that makes a lot of noise... nothing more. In other words... as far as the basics, there ain't all that much to it.

Start here | Download CSS-Tutor 1 (0,8 mb)


reStructuredText (sometimes abbreviated as RST, ReST, or reST) is a file format for textual data used primarily in the Python programming language community for technical documentation.

It is part of the Docutils project of the Python Doc-SIG (Documentation Special Interest Group), aimed at creating a set of tools for Python similar to Javadoc for Java or POD for Perl. Docutils can extract comments and information from Python programs, and format them into various forms of program documentation.

In this sense, reStructuredText is a lightweight markup language designed to be both (a) processable by documentation-processing software such as Docutils, and (b) easily readable by human programmers who are reading and writing Python source code.

(c) Wikipedia

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